Call to papers

Les Mongueurs de Perl vous appellent à soumettre vos présentations
pour les Journées Perl 2004

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 30th, 2004.

All topics related to Perl are welcome. Here is a short list of subjects that might be presented:

Perl 6, Parrot, XML, CGI/Web, Interprocess Communication (IPC), GUIs (GTk, Tk, Carbon, Cocoa), Natural Language Processing, Interactive Perl, Agents, Perl as Glue, Object-Oriented Perl, Scientific Applications, Internals, JAPHs, Perl Poetry, System Administration, DBI/DBD, Non-UNIX Perl, Security, Peer-to-Peer Communication, Perl and Bioinformatics, Apache/mod_perl, Unicode and Perl, i18n/l10n/g11n, Optimizing and Debugging, Extending Perl, Embedding Perl, or else Your Favorite Topic.

Please submit your abstracts to <>. The abstracts and talks should be in French, if possible.

Please note that talks in French are strongly prefered. We want to offer at least a full track in French, so that there be always a talk in French at any time during the conference. However, we will accept a few talks in English, if there is room for them.

Speakers (except for lightning talks) have their registration fee waived. Travel and lodging, as well as visas, are their responsibility.

Please consider paying the registration anyway, even if you do a talk. We will need all the available funds to organise this conference. Speakers should take care of their travel, visas and lodging like regular attendants. We are a grass-root conference!

This year we will accept various types of presentation: Standard : 20 minutes

A standard talk is the preferred format. This is enough time to start a topic, introduce it with some pithy slides, and open up to later conversation.

Long 40 minutes

Long talks are reserved for experienced speakers covering large topics. If you have an in-depth topic you would like to present in some detail, perhaps with considerable discussion, a Long or Extra-Long talk may be the format of choice.

Tutorial 3 heures + une pause

Half-day (or possibly full-day) tutorials. These tutorials tend to cover a wide range to material for a certain aspect of Perl programming. For example, an XML tutorial could cover XML basics, to writing XML, to parsing XML, to practical uses of XML.

Lightning Talks: 5 minutes

Lightning talks are brief (5-minute) talks that focus on a single example, idea, project, or technique.

Lightning talks do not attempt to cover all aspects of their subject matter, but rather to present one facet of the idea clearly and succinctly.

For more information on Lightning Talks, please see Lightning Talks.

Conference organizers reserve the right to change the length assigned to a talk, if deemed neccessary. If you want to speak on multiple topics, please submit a seperate proposal for each one.

Please submit your abstracts to <>.

Thank you; we hope you will participate. If you have any questions, please email us on the mailing-list <>.