Call to participation

The French Perl Mongers (Mongueurs de Perl)
invite you to

The French Perl Workshop 2004 (Journées Perl)

Cité des Sciences,
Paris, France

Sunday the 6th and monday the 7th of June 2004

The French Perl Workshop is the occasion for people to meet and talk about Perl -in French. People who have done interesting things, people who are working on the language itself, people who are using it daily, and people who are looking to learn about it, will all be there within arm's reach. Some of the great authors and developpers in the field will be on hand to speak about their work and projects, to level them to anyone, from newbies to gurus.

Do join with us for two days of listening, talking and learning about Perl in the magnificent "Cité des Sciences", located in eastern Paris (19rd arrondissement).

  • Pre-registration will be possible on the 19th of April 2004
  • Registration will be open at the end of April 2004
Registration fees to the conference : 25 € (reduced fare 15€).

"Les Mongueurs de Perl" is a French non-profit organisation promoting Perl and Perl users groups in France. See for more information.